Electrical Properties of Znx Se1-X Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation Method



  • Habeeb Shalal Jasim Department of Power and Electrical Machines, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq


Semi conducting   Znx Se1-x  thin films were prepared at 480nm thickness on glass substrates at room temperature using vacuum evaporation technique .The electrical properties of  Znx Se1-x  thin films have been investigated , such as dc conductivity and Hall effect. The investigation showed that the composition range 0≤x≤0.3 has an influence on the electrical properties of the Znx Se1-x thin films . The dc conductivity experiment in the range of temperature 293-423 ok gave  two activation energies Ea1& Ea2 which represented  two types of conduction mechanisms . Ea1 & Ea2 have values 0.6 & 0.1eV respectively for x=0, while 1.01 &0.107 eV  for x=0.3. Also the study showed that the dc conductivity  σ=5.19x10-7 (Ω. cm)-1 for x=0 , and decreases with increasing zinc to 3.2x 10-7 (Ω. cm)-1 at x=0.3. Hall effect study  appeared that the type of the carriers is p-type, their concentration is 1.6x108cm -3 and increases with increasing the fraction of composition x to 2.6x1010 cm-3  .Also the mobility of the carriers has good relation with zinc content x


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How to Cite

Habeeb Shalal Jasim, “Electrical Properties of Znx Se1-X Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation Method”, DJES, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 77–87, Dec. 2009.