Monte Carlo Simulation to Study Streamer Theory in Electronegative Gases


  • Hassan Jasim Mohammed College of Engineering, University of Diyala


Monte Carlo method, Electrical discharge, steady state Townsend, Electronegative gases


Electron swarm motion across a uniform electric field is calculated and analyzed by a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method in the presence of elastic excitation, ionization and attachment collisions cross-section with the electronegative gas. The calculation is carried out for a wide range of E/N values from 71 to 1000Td. It is shown that in the case of a steady –state experiment. The motion has been analyzed to give swarm parameters for (drift velocity, number density, mean energy, and effective ionization coefficient). The first aim of the present paper is to calculate the swarm characteristic at 71 Td by MCS and to discuss the difficulty of calculation al low E/N. The second aim is to calculate the swarm parameter for experimental conditions, i.e., the steady state Townsend (SST). The present results are in excellent an agreement with those deduced by the Boltzmann equation analysis for steady- state and pulse Townsend experiments.


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How to Cite

Hassan Jasim Mohammed, “Monte Carlo Simulation to Study Streamer Theory in Electronegative Gases”, DJES, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 30–38, Dec. 2009.