Calculation of Relative Extrusion Pressure for Circular Section by Local Coordinates System by Using Finite Element Method F.E.M


  • Jabbar Kasim Jabbar College of Engineering, University of Diyala


Relative Extrusion Pressure, Local Coordinates System, Finite Element Method


Large development that happens in computers technology leads to the use of modern programs and pollutant about different forming processes from through design and analysis for geometric forms by using Finite Element Method F.E.M, which gives accurate results which approaches experimental results. This study depends on local coordinates system by using rotation of local coordinates for nodes on region contact length between metal and die. This is to calculate relative extrusion pressure and study the  effect of relative die length  on the relative extrusion pressure for reduction of area (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%) with friction factor (0.1) by using software ANSYS program. The contours for distribution of stresses and plastic strains were obtained, to obtain perfect die length that is needed to less extrusion pressure.

The results of this study are compared with experimental result and upper bound theory and have shown a good agreement with a minimum discrepancy.


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How to Cite

Jabbar Kasim Jabbar, “Calculation of Relative Extrusion Pressure for Circular Section by Local Coordinates System by Using Finite Element Method F.E.M”, DJES, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 79–95, Dec. 2010.