Proposed System for Wireless Security


  • Ali N. Hamied College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Saad Qassim Fleh College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Hussain F. Mahdi College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq


Wireless Security, MAC Address, RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem


Secured wireless computer networks are more important because signals are available through air and it’s easier to attacks from passive eavesdropping and active interfering. Now it was suffered from more problems, one from these problems is attach from the users and hackers. Therefore, wireless computer networks security is very important to solve or decrease this attach, a lot of researches were worked improved wireless security in this field but in different ways and different methods. This project had been represented how to prevent hackers’ accessing to the server, by using encryption to media access control “MAC address” from the two ends (server and user), using RSA public-key cryptosystem.


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How to Cite

Ali N. Hamied, Saad Qassim Fleh, and Hussain F. Mahdi, “Proposed System for Wireless Security”, DJES, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 70–78, Dec. 2010.